The day started off by waking up in a tent with a view of Baxter Peak. The weather was nice enough in the 40’s to keep the bugs out and allow me to open both of the tent flies.

After brewing a nice cup of coffee and some hot oat meal I soaked in the view and packed up and hit the road. On the way out I stopped and briefly chatted with another camper.

Later in the day I headed to Sandy Stream Pond with the hopes of seeing a moose. So far every time I had been there I have had no luck, despite seeing enough sign.

After arriving at roaring brook and signing in into the register I headed to the pond. I had noticed a whole bunch of sign. After walking for a bit I came to the viewing area.. I made sure that I was walking quietly if there was a moose that was nearby. I got my binoculars and camera out and just waited. There were the usual ducks out and about.

After sitting there for a few moments I noticed a large brown mass walking in the woods towards the water. I followed it with binoculars and was able to take some pictures.

After that , I headed back to the golden road to do some photography in the bodies of water that ran along the golden road. After parking on a pull out and navigating to the water. My first step in was knee deep in mud. Despite this I was able to get some pictures.

After that I headed up the road a bit to another spot, nothing to crazy.

Just another day in the woods

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