It’s been so long since I have done a blog post. Its been nearly 9 months. I’m now up in Northern Maine continuing to chase dreams and passions. For the longest time I avoided it, now I find myself running to it. It has certainly been a very difficult 8 months .but anything worth doing will not be easy.It has been a very hectic and transformative 8 months. In the meantime. Lets talk about the outdoors. I’ve been  extremely fortunate to spend time in the Baxter Park.

I never would have thought that I would be 29 minutes away from the togue gate as well as not far from the Abol stream trail. Regarding the Abol stream trail. I was fortunate enough to run into a Bull moose while trail running the other day. Enough about me.. lets see some outdoor pictures.

A nice view of Baxter Peak.

After many times of skiing in during the winter, it felt weird driving down the road and there not being any snow.

Katahdin Lake
A view from the Helon Taylor Trail
A view of the knife edge.
Katahdin Summit

It has been nice to have time and to reconnect with the outdoors. Now that things have slowed down a bit. I’ll be able to do weekly posts. Needless to say, I’m very much looking forward to fall and winter.

Categories: Blogs