I decided to stay local this weekend and focus on some new skills and techniques that I hope be using this winter and up in Baxter State park in just less than 10 days.I’m by no means a climber let alone an ice climber , but in order to do the mountains I aspire to climb in the future, Ice climbing is a required skill.

I went to a local Ice climbing spot where some solid pitches had frozen over. Unfortunately my climbing partner could not make it so I decided to just rappell solo and do some skills and mock scenarios. I had the ice to myself for a good 3 hours. It was a perfect day to be out. I can’t wait to get out and do some more ice climbing

So far everything looks good in line for the trip to Baxter State Park in Maine. The reservation is all set and I’m slowly packing gear and dreadfully waiting for the day I have to buy all of the food. The plan,when we get up there is to hike in, set up camp and the following day break trail to north and south brother , and down a slide if the conditions require it. The likelihood of actually having to rappel if dependent on the conditions but I would rather have the gear and not need it than not have it at all. I’m hoping for clear weather as Baxter State Park is a dream in the winter and I’m hoping to get a lot of shots of katahdin from North brother. Hoping for snow!

This upcoming weekend will be some further ice climbing and skill reviews.

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