Tomorrow I will be sending in the winter camping registration for Baxter State park in Maine. Baxter State park is such a beautiful place in the summer, but in the winter it is pure beauty. If the form gets approved then me and my climbing partner will be heading up there January 2nd for a couple of days.

Our plan is to stay at Foster Field and break trail to North and South Brother. We aren’t expecting to see anyone else out there expect maybe some snowmobiles and the occasional skier. Last year we completed a traverse from Pamola peak to Hamlin Ridge. This involved crossing the infamous knife edge. It was an adventure  I will never forget for multiple reasons but the views that day were incredible. We also had lucked out with only -10F windchill.

I’m not sure what the weather forecast will have in store for us , but its sure to be a wonderful adventure. After the days are up and if we have  time remaining, we will probably end up doing some ice climbing.

There is another adventure that I haven’t really discussed. Its only something that I have hinted at. Its called the Bob Marshall Traverse. This traverse is located in the Adirondacks of NY, Its roughly 31 miles with an estimated 15k feet of elevation gain. Who am I going with you may ask? Myself. This traverse has been on my mind for the past 6 months. I’ve been thinking about the movements my gear packing and how to keep myself motivated during this. This will also be attempted in winter in which I know not many people have completed this.  Trail breaking will make or break this attempt, but I do know that it will be an incredible adventure whether or not I turn back. I’ll be carrying a full winter overnight pack with enough supplies to keep me comfortable in the event that any thing happens.

Its getting late but, I will go into more details about this adventure soon.

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