This is sure going to be one exciting and very dangerous winter. Last winter definitely had a lot of firsts, but this winter will be incredible. Last winter had many great adventures but the most memorable was finally doing the knife edge in winter up at Baxter state park. It was a goal of mine that seemed so far out but, we made it this time. There are plenty of adventures planned in Baxter this year as well. The fact that most of these adventures will be solo will definitely raise some eye brows and concern. What is life without risk though? There is also a big different between a reckless risk and a calculated risk.

Pamola peak seen from the Knife Edge Trail. Taken during a winter climb at Baxter State Park Maine

Adventure # 1 North Brother Mountain, Maine , Baxter State Park.

Our winter trip planned for new years eve/day will take place in Baxter state park. Having completed the northeast 111 in 3 season, I am now trying to complete it in the winter. Already having, Hamlin, and Baxter peak I now need North brother and I will stop by South Brother for the amazing view depending on the weather. The plan is to camp by the Mount OJI trailhead and go up the OJI slide and from there trek over to North brother. I’m expecting cold temperature and breaking trail the entire way. It should be quite an adventure. Am I nervous? Absolutely buts not a good enough reason not to try.

Pulling a sled en route to Chimney Pond

Adventure #2 White Mountain Winter Presidential Traverse, New Hampshire

Ive been wanting to do a winter presidential traverse in the White mountains for some time now. From Mount Madison all the way to Mt Jackson, whether its in good weather or harsh weather it will be quite an adventure. Its probably one of the more riskier plans due the possible severe weather above treeline but again with proper logistics and the ability to be ok with turning around its going to happen.

Adventure #3 Solo Winter Great Range Traverse, Adirondacks NY

This is one that has me pretty excited. The Great Range Traverse in the Adirondacks in NY. The trail covers 23/25 miles with just under 10K feet of elevation gain. It has aggressive terrain and most do not attempt/ hike it in the winter. I”m pretty sure that I will be doing alot of trail breaking and climbing in some portions. in the dark. As always I will pack my full overnight winter pack in the event that I go down or I have to Bivouac. The fact that I’m doing it solo definitely would make most shake the head and offer some word of advice. Gotta live life full, its way too short.

Winter cannot come soon enough so that I share the write ups of each one of these amazing adventures with you this winter. Thanks for reading. If you have any advice or comments please let me know.