Day 1
The Northville Lake Placid Trail.

What had started as a ‘ what if’ thought materialized into a plan that took place last Saturday. After getting dropped off 4pm at the northern end of the NPT(Northville Lake Placid Trail) all I had were the boots on my feet and the pack on my back to last me the next 6 days without a resupply or detour. My ambitious plan was to hike the entire 138 mile trail in just 6 days. Every day would have significant mileage and I would have push myself every single day and every step mattered. After saying good bye to my ride, my eyes and the smile on my face were pointed towards the trail. I signed my name in the trail register and began my journey.

I knew that I had gotten a very late start in the afternoon and I would have to get to a leanto 12 miles away in 4 hours. That meant I would be hiking at a 3mph pace. My pack was heavy on my shoulders, my boots felt right and my spirits were high. I was surrounded by an empty trail surrounded by nothing by wilderness and the noises that go along with it. A short while after on the trail I could hear nothing but the noise on the trail. There was a stillness in the air and the only thing audible was my steps on the trail.

About 4 hours later after passing Moose Pond leanto I made it to Duck hole leanto #1 and #2. To my surprise I ran into 2 hikers cooking food by the stream at 745pm. I quickly said hi and re hyrdrated before hiking the short distance until I got to to Duckhole leanto #2. After shortly arriving at the other leanto. I set my pack down and started unpacking when a bunch of flies starting bugging me. It didn’t bother me too much for I had bugs bothering for most of the hike so far. Upon closer inspection of the bugs I was swatting at I soon realized that these were bees and above my head was a nest. Needless to say a few choice words were said as I re situated my gear to the other side of the leanto. My side and the bee’s side had been defined with a mutual understanding. After setting up my gear on my side I went out to watch the sunset and ending of a day. I didn’t have enough to time to have a proper meal so I quickly ate a bar and got ready for bed. I was in my bag by 9pm. I was going to enjoy every second of sleep as I prepared my self for a crazy next 5 days.

Stay Tuned for Day 2- check back soon

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