Northville Lake Placid Trail
Day 2

I woke up after an amazing night sleep at duckhole leanto. It was a quiet morning to wake up to. The birds were chirping and the the sun was slowly starting to rise into the sky. There was a sense of stillness as I fired up the stove and started to get my gourmet meal of oak ready. After the gourmet meal I packed up my bag. Before I started hiking again I took the chance to wander around for a bit and observe all of the beauty and still around for the next 15 minutes. I walked to a beautiful clearing in the area and I just taken in by the beauty as you can see from the picture below.

I soon started back on the trail hoping to make it to long lake by the end of they day which was a good solid day with no breaks. My body was feeling good with my pack on my back and boots on my feet. After a short while I hit another group of leantos that looked like they had a whole bunch of history and use. The worn walls and rustic picnic table made you wonder about all the memories and people who had been here. I quickly took some pictures and checked out each leanto and I was again on my way. The mosquitoes and deer flies were now getting bad, my repellent was cooling me off and did not seem to be bothering the bugs at all. I soon proceeded to put my fashionable head net on and proceeded to continue on the trail.

One can only wonder about the stories this table has.

I had gotten pretty good a determining when i was about to get bitten by a bug and how much time I had left to swat at it. A short while passed and I soon ran into a group of 3 hikers. They were doing the NPT(Northville Lake Placid Trail) in sections as opposed to doing it in one long stretch. We exchanged pleasantries and talked for a short while and then we were all on our way. The trails were quiet, the only audible noises were the sound of my feet and the sounds of nature. For most of the time I was hiking next to a river/stream that had wonderful swimming holes, which I took advantage of. After a duration of hiking I made it to Seward leanto which had an amazing bridge and amazing swimming hole. I probably spent a good hour here in the water just enjoying the moment. The water was flowing, sun was shining, and I had a bit of both of them. It doesn’t get better than this until I realized that I had to get my pack on get back on trail. I prepared by gear and continued on the path.

For being on the trail for just a short time, I was amazed at how little use this trail seemed to get and the amount of growth and wilderness was here. It was definitely a great feeling to see how wild this trail could be and how wilderness areas still very much existed. It was very difficult not smiling by how beautiful this trail was. After getting used to the clear sunny skies for awhile, I soon found myself engulfed by a huge storm cloud that rained for about 15 second and then it went back to being sunny. This happened a few times until I just didn’t care about getting wet due to how hot it was .

I soon found myself hearing the noises or boats and civilization around long lake as I took each step forward. I stopped at the first open lean to I could find. It as bout 530pm when I dropped my pack. I soon proceed to take a short nap by the shore line for the next hour. I fell asleep a little bit longer than I had expected so after waking up I quickly got water and fired up the stove for another gourmet meal. As the day started to wind down I started to get my sleeping gear out and set up. Soon came 9pm and I found myself in my sleeping bag getting my well earned rest.

Stay Tuned for day 3

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