Northeast Adventures
Brace mountain NY

It was mid week on a day off which meant it was time to hike. The weather was calling for a nice warm sunny day. Hoping this was accurate I decided to head down to a trail down in NY. I got to the trailhead around 11:30am. The last time I had been here it was covered in snow and I was exploring the frozen waterfalls. This time there was no snow, ice, and leaves on the trees. It was definitely weird not donning winter gear and snow shoes.

I donned my pack and with boots on my feet and I hit the trail. The sun was glaring down as I worked my way up the trail, I soon came to a sign indicating the distance local surrounding mountains. I got myself mentally ready for the next 1/4 mile as there was a lot of vertical elevation gain despite this being a relatively short trail. There was a cool/ warm breeze in the air as I was hiking. Soon into the hike I was beginning to sweat. I sadly wasn’t used to this as being used to the cold the last thing in winter you wanted was excessive moisture or sweat. I removed a layer I as continued on. Despite the trail being mostly dry, there were plenty of wet leaves as I worked my way up the ridge. I kept thinking how weird it was being on dry land without wearing snow shoes or a form of traction.

As I made my way to the ridge line, stunning views awaited. It was a blue bird day without a cloud in the sky. I continued on the much drier path now, The sun still beaming down on me the terrain had gotten flatter now that I was on the ridge line. There were clear skies and views every direction you looked. There was a nice calm slight breeze moving through the air. I made my way until I reached a small grass opening with a giant rock cairn pole inserted in it. Atop of the pole was a wind sock. This summit was very popular for those who like to Hangglide. I was fortunate enough to catch someone about to as he called it “fly”. I asked him if I could take his picture and he said yes. I was memorized by the entire process and and the amount of Vertical height he would climb and lose and then climb again. I enjoyed the sights and the summit top for a while before I decided to head back down.

I donned my pack once again and with boots still on my feet I headed down the trail. Sad to leave the amazing views I knew I would be back again. Shortly after descending the trail I ran into a group of 5 hikers who weren’t exactly sure where they were. It turns out they they had taken the wrong trail and they had no idea which trail if any they were on.I had asked them if they were ok and if this was everyone in their group. I then told them they are more than welcome to follow me back to the main trail if they would like. For the next 45 minutes they followed me back down to the main trail. After hiking for a bit on the main trail I had asked them if they would be comfortable and/or ok for the rest of the hike. . They had said yes, so I hauled up the speed back down to the trail. I waited around for a bit to make sure they got down ok. After I saw them emerge I left. About a half mile down the road by an open field I saw the gentleman who was hanggliding earlier. He asked me for a ride back to his car. I gave him a ride back to his car and then I was on my way.

You never know what the mountains can bring you or take away. The mountains are beautiful, unpredictable, powerful, and teachers to us all. Life is always an adventure.

A Hang Glider getting ready to fly

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