Its supposed to be spring at least on the calendars , however the mountains are a totally different story. This past weekend 4-8 and 4-9 I spent the weekend in New Hampshire where there is still plenty of snow. Little did I know that after driving up there, there would be 6 inches of fresh snow and 1 inch over night. Ironically I was dropping my snow tires for storage at the cabin. The plan for the next day was to hike a small hike before helping a friend hike Hale mountain one of New Hampshire’s 4000 footers.

I woke up the next morning to find that my car was covered with a fresh coat of snow. After clearing my car off I headed to the trail head. It didn’t look like anyone had been there as I approached the trail head. I donned my pack and I was on my way on the snow covered trail. I put my snow shoes on as the snow quickly got deeper and to avoid postholing and ruin the trail for anyone who may be skiing. The wind was blowing through the trees and the light layer of snow coated branches of the trees.

I made my way up the trail passing old stone wall foundations marking land and an era of farming gone but not forgotten. The stone foundations remained with informative placards. The quietness of the air and the snow added to the magical effect. I started to work my way up hill gaining elevation as I approached the fire tower completely caked in by the clouds. Step by step I made my way trying not to get distracted by the beauty of the fresh covered snow.

I soon found myself at the summit with the firetower slowly appearing through the poor visibility.
Being high up but not too high in elevation I felt I was near the alpine snow due the the magical fresh snow and partial rime ice on the firetower steps. I had no view but that wouldn’t stop me from going up. I affixed my traction and ascended the firetower. 360 degree views when there is a nice day but it was still a magical feeling. After taking some pictures up there I walked around the old rangers cabin and broke trail going back done I ran into one other person on the way down before I hit the trail head. Magical days like this make me miss winter already.

Thank you so much for reading and checking out my blog and adventures. It would mean so much for me to receive feed back. Please contact me at ‘ ‘ for all feed back.

Happy Trails

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