Adventure calls once again as we head up to the White Mountains for another amazing adventure. This time we are tackling the bonds traverse. The weather was looking good so we decided to try the traverse. The plan was to park one car at the end point which was the Lincoln Woods parking lot, and the other at the end of Zealand road where we would start this adventure.

After allot of driving the hard part was finally over and the fun part was to begin. It was a blue bird day starting out, not a cloud of the sky and plenty of sun. We started out on the Zealand trail. We would stay on this path for 2.3 miles. After what seemed to a beautiful flat trail we started climbing in elevation. We soon reached the Zealand Falls hut which was hustling and bustling with hikers and thru hikers.

After a quick break, water refill and admiration of the view we continued our path as it would be a long day. We now headed onto part of the Appalachian Trail before we would link up with Bond cliff trail. The weather was still good as we started to close in on the first mountain. After a quick mile with the trees shielding us from the views that awaiting us on the top we closed in on Zealand Mountain. This was about halfway into the day so the mood was good at this point.

After enjoying a quick break here we continued on our way to the much desired peak of the day bond and bond cliff. There couldn’t have been a better day for this hike. As we trekked toward Mount Guyot the views were incredible, clear skies in every direction.

We continued to head towards bond cliff on this beautiful trail. There were plenty of hikers and trail runners out. After continuing on this path with the sun beating down on us we headed into the trees where we we head to to west bond next. West bond would offer tremendous views of bond cliff from its summit. The views did not disappoint.

After working our way back down west bond we finally reached Mt bond with endless views. There were a whole bunch of hikers taking breaks here and hikers overnighting at the nearby campground.

We set out on this ridge with views every which way you looked we closed on bond cliff. Step by step we closed in on the cliffs. As we approached the top there were people taking pictures and posing on the edge of the cliff. It was a very popular spot to take pictures.

After grabbing some quick pictures and snacks we proceeded. to descend the trail back down to Lincoln woods. Back into the trees we went. We stayed in the trees for the rest of the hike until we reached the Lincoln woods Trail. The final stretch is always the hardest as it is more mental and the final stretch. As we made our way step by step on Lincoln Woods trail we were reflecting on the amazing day with amazing views.