Only a few years ago I would have never seen myself doing the things or going into the places and conditions I do now. What started simply as a way of healing through certain events has completely changed my life. Hiking has its fair share of risks but winter hiking brings entire new elements to it. in addition solo hiking during winter.
I’ve decided to detail some of the things that entice me to go out in the fierce winter conditions. . There is a sense of beauty and chaos in winter. One example may be when you are getting heavy strong winds blowing snow and hail at you. If you were to look around 360 degrees you would see white out conditions surrounding you. How can something that sounds so awful be so amazing? Probably not to most but, me personally knowing that you have to rely on yourself, your team if you have one, your gear, your decision making skills, and be able to keep your mental fitness as well as your physical fitness healthy during chaos appeals to me. After a winter storm passes and the clouds and skies open up to snow covered mountains and views, is the best feeling of the world. There is nothing like seeing a breathtaking view trekking through storms and clouds for such long days. On other occasions you might have clear winter blue bird day, seeing snow covered mountains and untouched snow all around you. But then again there are those days where its just 100% miserable. Only a few years ago I would have never seen myself doing the things or going into the places and conditions I do now. What started simply as a way of healing through certain events has completely changed my life. Hiking has its fair share of risks but winter hiking brings entire new elements to it. In addition solo hiking during winter,
I’ve decided to detail some of the things that entice me to go out in the fierce winter conditions. . There is a sense of beauty and chaos in winter. One example may be when you are getting heavy strong winds blowing snow and hail at you. If you were to look around 360 degrees you would see white out conditions surrounding you. How can something that sounds so awful be so amazing? Probably not to most but, me personally knowing that you have to rely on yourself, your team if you have one, your gear, your decision making skills, and be able to keep your mental fitness as well as your physical fitness healthy during chaos appeals to me. After a winter storm passes and the clouds and skies open up to snow covered mountains and views, is the best feeling of the world.  There is nothing like seeing a breathtaking view trekking through storms and clouds for such long days. On other occasions you might have clear winter blue bird day, seeing snow covered mountains and untouched snow all around you. But then again there are those days where its just 100% miserable.

Spring, Summer and Fall are nice but winter provides unique beautiful experiences for those willing to pursue it. The sight of snow to most may be enough to induce cabin fever. Snow brings life back to alot of winter activities. It also allows you to visit places that are inaccessible during other seasons. None of this is without risk as colder temperatures; snow and ice pose additional risks. What are usually harmless mountains in the 3 seasons (spring, Fall and Summer) can be extremely fatal and deadly in the winter in storms. Wind-chill, frostbite and, hypothermia are all realistic occurrences that can happen if safety is no practiced. Wind-chill up to -60F can be observed in places in the Northeast as well. One great example of this is Mount Washington in New Hampshire.

Obviously hiking and trekking in the winter has different levels and intensities. For those that wish to pursue it are gifted with unique and unforgettable memories and experiences.

Stay tuned for the next post detailing what I usually take on a winter solo trek. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Thanks.

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