Northeast Adventures #24

Mount Mansfield


Adventure was calling once again, but not to the Adirondacks this time. My next adventure would take me  the Green Mountains of Vermont, but more specifically  Mount Mansfield. Mount Mansfield is the highest point in Vermont.


Another long drive was in store for me, roughly 4 hours. As always I got a very early start for the drive, getting my favorite brew of coffee before I hit the road. Vermont is always such a wonderful and peaceful drive. Seeing all the different towns and styles of life along the way. In fact while I driving up I had passed  a couple of equestrian  competitions near Rutland. After what seemed a lifetime of driving, I finally made it to the trail head. The trail head parking lot was small and in a gorge. To either side of me I was surrounded by woods and cliffs which was always a comforting feeling. I got my gear ready and I was on my way to Mount Mansfield via HellsBrook.


The trail was steep from the get go. It was a nice clear sunny day with plenty of green around me with the firm but worn path that I was walking on. As I started to work my way up the path, I had begun to see the views that would hopefully get better as I kept going. I soon made my way to spot where they had driven in a steel grip to climb over a very steep ledge. This was a particular steep area and all of the wet rock didn’t make it easier. As I worked my way through all of the spider webs I finally got  to a clearing where I was able to see the summit of Mount Mansfield where  my destination lied. I soon made my way to the first junction where I found myself at 2 features called the ‘Adams apple’ and the ‘chin’. I soon found myself on the long trail.  I had approached a sign warning mentioning that I am entering the alpine zone, and I need to stay on the marked trail. I soon approached the summit marker after climbing the short approach. Sweaty, dirty and desperate for a view I made my way to the top. When I arrived at the top. I could see people walking over from the skilift/transport with all of the picnicked good. Ironically I was getting looks due to me being covered in sweat and mud, but I earned it.  I sat there and enjoyed the incredible 360 degree view. I was able to see vague outlines of the Adirondacks to my west and the outlines of the White Mountains to my east. Such an incredible view and experience.

After taking in all of the views and bugging(I asked way too  many questions) to the summit caretaker I was speaking to, I was soon on my way via the same route that I had gone.  I went back on the Long trail until I hit the junction for Hell’s brook going down. It was just just as steep as it was going up as it was down. I steadily worked my way going down the trail until I met up with a group of 5 hikers. We exchanged a quick greetings and then someone asked,

Hiker,” How much further before the top?” He had asked, my reply was ;
Me” When you are no longer going straight up and you can see over the mountain.”

We both then went our separate ways on the trail. I continued to work my way down the trail, enjoying every second of being in the outdoors. I soon find my self making great time and before I knew it,  I was back at the trail head to a once empty parking lot this morning, to a jammed parking lot. I signed out of the trail register and packed up my car. On my way back from the drive I saw that I had passed the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream factory. I enjoyed a great tour and free ice cream to end another great hiking adventure.