Northeast adventure
#5 of 115
MT Phelps
This adventure would bring us out to the Adirondacks once again. Only this time it would involves mountains, a yurt, pizza, and an overstoked wood stove. Me and my best friend had signed up for the ADK Young members hike. This included a day hike to one of the high peaks with 2 overnights in a yurt.
We arrived a late Friday night we checked in with the ADK staff and he ported our gear into the yurt. Introductions went around as we each said a little bit about ourselves. We all settled in and went to sleep before the big day that would occur tomorrow.
The next morning came quickly and with a cold start. The wood stove had gone out some time at night. So when everyone one had woken up it was a brisk start for the day. We all had a quick breakfast and we donned on gear and set out.
We had checked in at the LOJ Trail register, and made our way to Marcy dam. It was clear sunny winter day with the snow packed down, so plenty of hikers were out. Once we made it to Marcy Dam, we quickly snapped some images. We then continued on our way to Phelps. As we were arriving at the summit it started to get a bit windy, so we donned our shells. When we were at the summit we ran into this guy who his own facemask to protect him from the elements. The mask looked like something right out of a Halloween movie. We then proceeded to make our way down the trail and back to the yurt. When we had arrived at the yurt, we delayered and were sharing stories about the day. After sharing stories we then proceeded to make trail pizza’s on the camp stove.
As we all got tired we all went to bed. Half way through the night I woke up due to overheating the wood stove was overstoked and thus putting out plenty of heat. As we all woke up in the morning still somewhat overheated had our breakfasts and were on our way.
Follow this link for a video from the summit
Phelps_Summit Video
- Nice Scenic view from Marcy Dam.
- Iconic Trail Register at ADK LOJ